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이티폰을 체험하면서 느낀 점, 선생님 자랑, 칭찬부터 아쉬웠던 점,
이티폰을 접하게된 계기, 영어실력향상 노하우, 추천할 강의 코스 등에 대해 적어 보세요.

수강후기 상세내용을 나타낸 표입니다.
공부는 즐기는 것이다!
작성자 시니어 Level 1 ccaccaya10 등록일 2018-06-20
구분 일반후기 조회 1,011
my son is at travel maniac. He traveled over 40 countries. I have traveled about 16 countries in the last two or three years with my son as guide. l felt that l had to become English. so l was introduced to my son about 4 months ago by et-phone. which is talking to a native speaker and first class witch lasts 10 minutes a day. studying was harder than l expected thought studying for 10 minutes was comfortable but it was not. l studied 4 to five hours a day with advance review and feedback although it's because of my personality. l was surprised to hear that you are an examiner. Four months later,l think l know the steam and flow of English conversation and study is very comfortable. it's hard, but the rewards are very great. l especially appreciate teacher ria for her kind and patience guidance. Thank you~*
전체 댓글 2
  • 이티폰 매니저

    윤원상님, 영어로 수강후기를 작성해주시다니 정말 멋지십니다! 항상 제 머릿속엔 윤원상 회원님이 열정넘치는 수강생으로 기억되는데요. 아드님도 정말 멋지시지만 아버님의 열정도 그에 못지않게 엄청나신것 같네요. 그 열정가지고 앞으로도 열심히 수강해주실 거죠? 믿겠습니다! 감사의 마음 담아 포인트 적립해드려요^^

    2018-06-20 17:58:39

  • ccaccaya10

    Thank you very much.manager~^

    2018-06-25 18:27:19