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수강후기 상세내용을 나타낸 표입니다.
I recommened E.T phone because of these reasons...
작성자 주니어 Level 2 ironman 등록일 2014-06-18
구분 일반후기 조회 2,966


                           ( I felt  )

I am writing this essay because my English ability has been improved by E.T Phone.
At the old days, I attended a English academy.

At there, I learned from my teacher how to read a lot of articles very fast.

So, my listening had been diminished and my parents and I were worried about that.

However, My father founded the company named 'E.T' phone.
My father told me about that. So, I agreed to register it. After that, my English ability
including reading, listening as well as grammar has been improving.
By doing that, my parents and I relieve our breath.

So, I always recommend E.T Phone to the students who are suffering from English


I think  to be good at  English, we don't need anything except listening because

we are good at reading we can't hear anything though.  
So, we can't express my opinion because we can't know what Americans saying. My life changed because of E.T phone. I feel happy and proud when I study english.

  So, I recommened E.t phone becasue of these reasons that I mentioned above.


전체 댓글 1
  • 이티폰 매니저

    네 고객님! 학원수강에서는 리딩과 어휘 청해력부분에서 많은 도움을 받으셨지만 회화스킬은 한국에 계신 모든 고객님의 숙제인거 같아요. 하루에 10분, 20분을 계속 표현하고 교정해주는 전화영어는 회화스킬 향상에 가장 좋은 방법입니다.^^ 무료로 제공되는 단문학습,속청,받아쓰기,음성등의 학습프로그램을 통해 전영역 향상을 위해 꼭 스터디해주시길 바랍니다. 수강후기 감사드리며 5,000포인트 넣어드려요

    2014-06-18 17:42:46