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수강후기 상세내용을 나타낸 표입니다.
ET Phone is great!
작성자 주니어 Level 6 simonkim1224 등록일 2013-12-28
구분 일반후기 조회 2,563

I have now been a customer of ET phone for over a year now. It has helped me in many ways as I live in a society with little English. I did not have a lot of time to use English in my daily life except for my everyday English class, which is proceeded in Korean. Before I started ET phone, I felt myself slowly becoming less fluent in English and found myself unable to think of some words to use in my time to time conversations with native speakers. What I really needed was a time to speak English with a partner. ET Phone has given me this chance.
I had several teachers since I started ET phone. Most of them were great teachers who could correct my mistakes in order to make me a better speaker. When I first started ET phone I was anxious to how this teacher would speak. Thankfully, she was a really great teacher. I remember having a great time as I got familiar with my teacher. We would talk about the weather in both Philippine and Korea. We would also talk about what we did in our everyday life. I had a great time because I had someone who I could share my thoughts and let my feeling out. Soon I found myself waiting for my ET phone time. As my teacher changed I was waiting to see what kind of person my next teacher is.

Being a student in Korea is not easy. I have academic pressure on me everyday. Especially when you are a high school student, you are on the height of this pressure. My friends sometimes ask me why I take this program. They tell me that I should spend more time studying when it is close to the exam. I would always tell them, 'it is the only time where I get to talk however I want'. 

So far I think my best teacher was Mark. Before, all of my teachers were women, not that I have a problem with women. With a male teacher, I could talk about things that I could not with my other teachers. Man to man he understood me. 

It is not easy to keep up my English while living in Korea. ET phone helped my speaking skills but it was not enough for my writing. One of my teacher suggested writing a diary. So, I gave it a try. If she was still in ET phone today, I would like to thank her. Thanks to her, I was able to keep my fluency in both writing and speaking.

I think I will continue to take ET phone classes. It is a great program, which I would suggest other people like me to take. In the past year, I have learned a lot through ET phone. Now, I have grown too fond of ET phone to quit. As long as I have need to continue speaking English, I will keep taking ET phone classes.
전체 댓글 1
  • 이티폰 매니저

    네 고객님^^ 직접체험하신 경험과 좋은피드백을 남겨주셔서 너무 감사해요~ 외국에 오래 있었던 학생,성인모두 한국에 복귀하셔도 꾸준히 활용을 안하다 보면 표현력이나 활용력에 의한 소통스킬이 정체되기 마련이예요. 전화영어수업을 통해 표현생성력과 회화스킬을 유지하고 향상스킬수 있는건 정말 큰 도움이 되실거예요~ 무료로 제공되는 영자신문, 학습툴,영작교정등로 열심히 활용하시어 지금보다 더 훌륭한 영어실력으로 점프업 되시도록 해주시고요. 수강후기 감사드리며 남은 2013년 정리잘하시고 2014년 기쁨마음으로 수업 다시 진행하시도록해요^^ 15,000원포인트 넣어드립니다.^^

    2013-12-30 09:40:54