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ETphone saved my English
작성자 주니어 Level 6 simonkim1224 등록일 2013-07-26
구분 일반후기 조회 2,253

In my opinion ET phone is a great program. Using the phone to improve English is a great idea. I first began ET phone a year ago and it helped me greatly. I was free to use difficult words and the teacher would teach me how to use them and she would teach me new expressions and words. I also think talking about recent activities and news is also great. This helps me catch up with the recent news and facts that I have not heard of and let me know what people in other countries think about this news.

I have lived in America for 5 years and came back to Korea 3 years ago. Normally, my English would have gotten rusty, but thanks to ET phone, my English is still top notch, maybe even better. I thank all of my teachers for their help.

I am currently in the free talking program and I think it is an awesome program. The fact that you can have fun while talking in English is fun. With no limited topic, I can express almost anything I want to the teacher and have a good time is great. I feel more liberated than the previous class where we have to talk only about the topic. 

I would like to thank Grace for being my teacher. I think she is great with talking and having a conversation with me.

 However I think there are some things that ET phone can improve.

1. ET phone should make their teachers so that they can be more active.

I had some teachers who were not so active and were very boring. There were also things that teachers could not answer.

2. Focus on topic.

There were some cases when we got off topic and did not talk about the article at all. having fun is important but it is also important to stay in the topic as much as possible.


ET phone, other than this you guys are awesome. I hope your service continues as planned for me and keep up the work.


전체 댓글 1
  • 이티폰 매니저

    네,고객님! 방학후 바쁜와중에도 이렇게 이티폰의 장점에 대해 직접 영어로 써주시고 너무 감사해요^^ 전화영어수업을 통해 새로운표현과 의사소통 능력향상에 많은 도움이 되셨다는 부분은 정말 많은 고객님들께서 말씀해 주시는것 같아요. 언어학습이니 꾸준하게 활용빈도를 높이고 교정받으면서 장기적으로 이용하신다면 외국에 계셨을때 못지않게 큰 효과를 보실수 있으실꺼예요. 무더운 여름날씨 항상 건강 조심하시고요 ~수강후기 남겨주셔서 감사드리며 10.000포인트 적립해 드리겠습니다.감사합니다.

    2013-07-29 09:12:56