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번호 작성자   답변 등록일 조회 답변달기
486 jhj9205@naver.com   6 2017-07-02 499 답변하기
  • (When entering the airport lounge)Can I get a discount?

    2017-07-04 14:54:28

  • freekid0314

    Can I get a discount together with an accompanying person?

    2017-08-31 12:17:26

  • cogebbang

    Is there a discount with an accompanying person if I join the airport lounge?

    2017-09-15 14:54:42

  • suonch

    Can we get a discount together?

    2017-10-26 21:14:23

  • 0413sun

    Is there a companion discount?

    2021-02-04 08:06:41

  • mjh1224

    Can I get a companion discount?

    2021-02-17 23:53:41

485 ldwndqhr@naver.com   3 2017-06-28 459 답변하기
  • freekid0314

    I need IM level of OPIC to get a job. I'll try my best and please help me a lot.

    2017-06-28 17:22:45

  • cogebbang

    I need an IM grade for my job. I promise to work hard at it. I look forward to your kind cooperation.

    2017-09-15 14:56:22

  • mjh1224

    I need an IM grade for my job. I’m looking forward to working with you. I will do my best.

    2021-02-17 23:56:54

484 zzu74@hanmail.net   6 2017-06-24 506 답변하기
  • hunikim0324

    who do you come up with first if you think of role models?

    2017-06-27 09:39:40

  • freekid0314

    Who do you first remind of as a role model?

    2017-06-28 17:25:01

  • cogebbang

    When you hear a role model, what kind of person comes to mind?

    2017-09-15 14:58:07

  • korealjj

    Who do you come up with when you're asked about'Role model'?

    2020-01-16 18:33:58

  • mjh1224

    Who do you come up with first when you think of role models?

    2021-02-17 23:58:27

  • mjh1224

    When you think of role models who is your choice ?

    2021-07-26 22:39:53

483 dlawldud103@hanmail.net   5 2017-06-14 541 답변하기
  • cyw901215

    My room is large. My mother used to share her room when she was alive.Now I am live the room alone.

    2017-06-15 15:53:40

  • funfun01

    My room is large.This is the room that I used to share with my mom when she was alive.Now I use the room alone.

    2017-06-15 17:25:27

  • freekid0314

    My room is big. It's the room used by my mother and me together before she died. I'm still using the room alone.

    2017-06-20 19:40:10

  • suonch

    My room is big. I used the room with my mother before she died. i’m using it alone now.

    2017-10-26 21:16:43

  • mjh1224

    My room that I used to share with my mom is huge. Now I use it alone.

    2021-02-17 23:59:50

482 ggalsdk@hanmail.net   3 2017-06-13 509 답변하기
  • funfun01

    Sound localization is an important element in the process of detecting danger in a human environment, and paying attention to or responding to specific speakers in the noise.

    2017-06-13 14:57:01

  • freekid0314

    Sound localization is a critical factor in order that people detact a danger from surrounding environment and focus on someone in noises.

    2017-06-20 19:47:52

  • mjh1224

    Sound localization means it is a significant factor for people in order to aware of a danger from surroundings and to focus on someone in noises.

    2021-02-07 23:41:08

481 fun77   20 2017-05-24 549 답변하기
  • leo0714


    2017-05-24 18:34:37

  • ockdol


    2017-05-26 20:27:14

  • hkh1012


    2017-06-01 19:09:59

  • Warrior1998


    2017-06-02 21:45:27

  • hkh1012


    2017-06-09 20:30:02

  • mippya


    2017-06-12 22:32:21

  • zzu74


    2017-06-24 21:51:01

  • honey4470


    2017-07-05 22:03:35

  • cymmn


    2017-07-17 07:20:31

  • alone_face


    2017-07-18 11:13:45

  • tyh14


    2017-07-19 17:46:54

  • cymmn


    2017-09-27 07:24:52

  • suonch


    2017-10-25 21:36:03

  • jinhyowonnn


    2017-11-06 12:24:24

  • rhdnehd1013


    2018-09-11 22:27:37

  • yooyoohur02


    2018-12-28 16:22:03

  • huni2007


    2020-05-27 19:06:23

  • 0413sun


    2020-10-13 07:34:53

  • 0413sun


    2021-02-14 18:16:32

  • hhongmin

    Wow/ Geez

    2021-02-16 16:30:28

480 ky8357@naver.com   7 2017-05-24 500 답변하기
  • We sent the letters to the four offices below.

    2017-05-24 11:47:04

  • leo0714

    We post 4 letters to Office.

    2017-05-24 18:30:24

  • mippya

    We posted the letters to the 4 offices below.

    2017-06-12 22:33:08

  • cymmn

    we sent letters to four offices below

    2017-07-17 07:23:28

  • mjh1224

    We posted letters to the four offices below.

    2021-02-18 23:26:28

  • 0413sun

    We sent the letters to the four offices below by courier.

    2021-03-01 17:10:52

  • mjh1224

    We sent the letters to the four places below by courier.

    2021-05-19 00:14:53

479 qq9417@naver.com   6 2017-05-20 515 답변하기
  • yhgia

    Although humans have made laws to protect animals, they do not really protect animals.

    2017-05-22 18:04:03

  • freekid0314

    The law for animals doesn't practically protect animals, the law we made ouselves exists though.

    2017-05-23 15:19:05

  • hkh1012

    The law for animals doesn't practically protect animals, the law we made ouselves exists though

    2017-06-01 19:10:29

  • suonch

    we sent letters to the four offices below

    2017-10-25 20:05:05

  • suonch

    although people made laws to protect animals, they don’t work properly.

    2017-10-26 21:18:30

  • mjh1224

    Even though people have made laws to protect animals, they cannot literally protect them.

    2021-02-18 23:28:33

478 qq9417@naver.com   3 2017-05-20 488 답변하기
  • yhgia

    Humans also abuse animals.Animal cruelty laws also exist.In this case, however, one can only punish people by watching them report abuse.Animals can not talk, and they can not even register.

    2017-05-22 18:04:03

  • freekid0314

    Laws against cruelty to animals exists but people mistreat animals. It can be possible to let an attcker be punished only if someone sees him abuses animals in person and report it. However, animals can't talk and report.

    2017-05-23 15:31:32

  • mjh1224

    People also abuse animals. There are technically laws against animal abuse. However, in this case, someone must witness and report the abuse for proper punishment. Because animals can't speak and report.

    2021-02-18 23:40:43

477 qq9417@naver.com   4 2017-05-20 475 답변하기
  • yhgia

    Humans hunt wild animals for illegal hunting, or poaching.There is certainly a law against poaching.But it is useless if the action is seen by humans or not by cctv.

    2017-05-22 18:05:01

  • freekid0314

    Humas have killed wild animals illegally and it called poaching. Laws to prevent poaching exists but it's useless if there are no evidences for poaching such as an witness or CCTV.

    2017-05-23 15:36:16

  • hkh1012

    Humas have killed wild animals illegally and it called poaching. Laws to prevent poaching exists but it's useless if there are no evidences for poaching such as an witness or CCTV

    2017-06-01 19:14:37

  • mjh1224

    People have killed wild animals illegally so called poaching. Laws to prevent poaching does exist but it's of no use if there are no evidences for poaching like an witness or CCTV.

    2021-02-18 23:47:14

476 qq9417@naver.com   6 2017-05-20 688 답변하기
  • The proportion of the year in 2014 equals twice the same year of the same year b.

    2017-05-22 18:04:15

  • freekid0314

    The ratio of A in 2014 is double the B in the same year.

    2017-05-23 15:14:55

  • leo0714

    The percentage of the same year in 2014 is twice as much as that of the same year b.

    2017-05-23 20:49:30

  • mippya

    The percentage of the year in 2014 equals twice the same year of the same year b.

    2017-06-12 22:34:31

  • mjh1224

    The proportion of a in 2014 is twice that of b in the same year.

    2021-02-18 23:51:50

  • 70years

    The ratio of A in 2014 is double the B in the same year.

    2021-11-08 08:58:52

475 qq9417@naver.com   2 2017-05-20 465 답변하기
  • A was the highest percentage among the entire generation.B The ratio decreased from 30 % in 2013 to 27 % in 2014.C The ratio is equal to 16 % in 2013 and 2014, and the ratio increased from 14 % to 15 % in 2014, compared to 14 % in 2013.In 2013, the ratio rose from 9 % to 10 % in 2013.The percentage of 2013 a year is three times higher than that of the same year b.

    2017-05-22 18:03:57

  • mjh1224

    A occupied the highest percentage of all generations. B has dwindled from 30% in 2013 to 27% in 2014. C has the same ratio of 16% in 2013 and 2014, respectively. D has increased from 14% in 2013 to 15% in 2014. The ratio of E increased from 9% in 2013 to 10% in 2014. The percentage of A in 2013 is more than three times higher than that of B in the same year.

    2021-06-06 16:33:24

474 qq9417@naver.com   3 2017-05-20 427 답변하기
  • The writer thinks that animals are not protected by law.

    2017-05-22 18:03:15

  • hkh1012

    The writer thinks that animals are not protected by law

    2017-06-01 19:11:11

  • mjh1224

    The writer thinks that animals can not be protected by law.

    2021-01-15 00:38:25

473 leo0714   7 2017-05-18 466 답변하기
  • yhgia

    In order not to ride in the summer, you should wear sunscreen carefully.

    2017-05-19 15:00:46

  • funfun01

    In order to avoid sunburn in summer, make sure to wear sunscreen.

    2017-05-19 15:38:01

  • freekid0314

    We should carefully wear sunscreen in the summemer not to be much tanned.

    2017-05-23 15:38:45

  • mjh1224

    In order not to get a sunburn in summer, you should put on sunscreen carefully.

    2021-01-11 12:17:24

  • 0413sun

    You need to apply sunscreen carefully to avoid
    burning in summer.

    2021-03-01 17:13:49

  • mjh1224

    You should apply sunscreen not to get sun burn in summer.

    2021-07-26 22:41:32

  • 70years

    In order to avoid sunburn in summer, make sure to wear sunscreen.

    2021-11-08 08:59:12

472 dlawldud103@hanmail.net   5 2017-05-18 499 답변하기
  • funfun01

    Was the cure difficult today?Thank you for your effort.Please tell me during the treatment if you're in trouble.

    2017-05-18 14:52:36

  • leo0714

    Was it difficult for you to treat yourself today?Oh, dear, if you're struggling, please tell me during your treatment.

    2017-05-18 20:50:16

  • hkh1012

    Was the cure difficult today?Thank you for your effort.Please tell me during the treatment if you're in trouble.

    2017-06-01 19:14:53

  • mjh1224

    Was the treatment difficult today? Thank you for your hard work. If you're having a hard time, please let me know during treatment.

    2021-02-19 23:49:59

  • mjh1224

    Did you have a hard time during treatment? Please let me know later if you feel any inconvenience.

    2021-07-26 22:42:49

471 dong0205@gmail.com   10 2017-05-17 485 답변하기
  • funfun01

    Can I pay by credit card?

    2017-05-18 14:51:07

  • leo0714

    Do you accept this credit card?

    2017-05-18 20:47:47

  • suonch

    Can I pay with this credit card?

    2017-10-25 20:06:37

  • yooyoohur02

    Can I pay with a credit card?

    2018-12-28 16:23:52

  • huni2007

    Can I pay with Credit Card?

    2020-05-27 19:09:14

  • 0413sun

    Can I pay with credit card?

    2020-10-16 16:08:29

  • mjh1224

    Can I pay with this credit card?

    2021-01-11 12:19:11

  • hhongmin

    Can I pay with this credit card?

    2021-02-16 16:30:57

  • mjh1224

    Do you take this credit card?

    2021-02-19 23:56:00

  • mjh1224

    Can I pay for this credit card?

    2021-04-28 22:48:58

470 dong0205@gmail.com   5 2017-05-09 505 답변하기
  • I didn't even know if there was a book to study before class.

    2017-05-10 18:04:28

  • freekid0314

    I didn't know that there was even a book to study for a class.

    2017-05-16 10:07:30

  • leo0714

    I didn't even know if there was a book to study before class.

    2017-05-18 20:48:45

  • mjh1224

    I didn't even know if I had a book to study before classes.

    2021-02-20 00:04:49

  • 70years

    I didn't even know if I had a book to study before classes.

    2021-11-08 08:59:23

469 sirokitsune   5 2017-04-25 521 답변하기
  • First, be sincere. I really do everything with my sincerity. I'm the one who open the lab door every day. There is no one who is in charge but I always open. Second, I have good challenging spirit. I love to challenge myself. I try to hold on for three seconds more when I exercise. I think it is really attractive when you challenge your limits and you achieve your goal after all. To serve as an intern in an overseas company, one will become a hard-working person with sincerity and challenge.

    2017-04-26 09:33:07

  • eric070513

    First, be sincere. I really do everything with my sincerity. I'm the one who open the lab door every day. There is no one who is in charge but I always open. Second, I have good challenging spirit. I love to challenge myself. I try to hold on for three seconds more when I exercise. I think it is really attractive when you challenge your limits and you achieve your goal after all. To serve as an intern in an overseas company, one will become a hard-working person with sincerity and challenge.

    2017-04-26 21:27:16

  • hkh1012

    First, be sincere. I really do everything with my sincerity. I'm the one who open the lab door every day. There is no one who is in charge but I always open. Second, I have good challenging spirit. I love to challenge myself. I try to hold on for three seconds more when I exercise. I think it is really attractive when you challenge your limits and you achieve your goal after all. To serve as an intern in an overseas company, one will become a hard-working person with sincerity and challenge

    2017-04-27 22:32:45

  • mjh1224

    First, to be sincere. I do everything sincerely. I open the lab door every day. I don't have a specific person in charge, but I always open it. Second, the spirit of challenge. I like to challenge myself.

    2021-05-19 00:21:32

  • mjh1224

    First, being sincere. I do everything with all my heart. I open the lab door every day even though it is not my job. Second, facing challenges. I like to challenge myself.

    2021-06-14 23:58:16

468 sirokitsune   4 2017-04-25 469 답변하기
  • I don't worry about being lonely.I will communicate frequently through chatting with my family and friends in Korea.Above all, I don't think I'll feel lonely because I'm confident that I'm going to get along well with people.So I don't worry about loneliness.

    2017-04-26 09:18:25

  • leo0714

    I don't worry about being lonely.I will communicate frequently through chatting with my family and friends in Korea.Above all, I don't think I'll feel lonely because I'm confident that I'm going to get along well with people.So I don't worry about loneliness.

    2017-05-18 20:56:48

  • freekid0314

    I'm not afraid of being alone because I'm going to use online chatting to keep in touch with my family and my friends and I also have a confidence to get along with people there.

    2017-06-28 17:30:23

  • mjh1224

    I don't have to worry about being lonely. I will keep in touch with my family and friends in Korea by chatting. Above all, I don't think I'll be lonely because I'm confident that I can get along with the people there. That's why I don't worry about loneliness.

    2021-05-27 23:57:46

467 leo0714   11 2017-04-25 513 답변하기
  • max0731

    These days, fine dust is very severe.

    2017-04-25 20:47:22

  • mippya

    At now, fine dust is so serious.

    2017-05-11 21:07:33

  • freekid0314

    Recently, fine dust is a big problem and the level of it has been kept so high.

    2017-05-16 10:12:23

  • hkh1012

    Now a day, find dust is very serious.

    2017-06-09 20:31:48

  • honey4470

    These days, fine dust is so serious.

    2017-11-14 21:58:24

  • yooyoohur02

    Those days fine dust is very serious

    2018-03-02 15:32:16

  • huni2007

    These days dust is very serious.

    2020-05-27 19:19:19

  • 0413sun

    These days dust is very seroious.

    2020-10-21 11:41:20

  • mjh1224

    These days, fine dust is very severe.

    2021-05-09 22:56:17

  • mjh1224

    These days, fine dust is very serious.

    2021-06-14 23:59:17

  • mjh1224

    It's fine dusty heavily today.

    2021-07-26 22:43:22