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본 게시판은 일반 회원님들이 한글을 영어로 바꾸어 주는 커뮤니티 공간입니다.
너무 긴 한글문장을 올리시면 회원님들이 잔뜩 겁(?)을 먹을 수 있겠죠 ^^. 300byte 이내의 길이로 올려보세요.

번호 작성자   답변 등록일 조회 답변달기
6 sizers   9 2013-07-08 664 답변하기
  • I didn't expect that you would do it, or You shouldn't have! 는 어떨까요?

    2013-07-08 19:49:28

  • gjangsun

    I never thought that you would do that for me.
    But......I want to say like this in this case.....I don't know how I can express my thanks.

    2013-07-15 21:32:26

  • gunhy1443

    I never expect that you would do that for me

    2013-07-25 15:23:48

  • gunhy1443

    I never expect that you would do that for me

    2013-07-25 15:23:50

  • gla110

    I really appreciate your effort. more than expected.

    2013-08-11 19:31:27

  • kjy880103

    I didn't expect that you would do it, or You shouldn't have!

    2017-03-09 12:18:24

  • 0413sun

    I didn't expect you to do that.

    2021-03-03 11:32:29

  • mjh1224

    I couldn't expect you to do that for me.

    2021-03-06 23:01:41

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:36:53

5 sizers   9 2013-07-02 647 답변하기
  • somido

    The weather report said it will be rain untill this sunday.

    2013-07-03 18:27:17

  • angelcindy

    The weather report said it will be raining until this Sunday.

    2013-08-03 14:53:35

  • gla110

    The weather forcasts says it will be raining until this Sunday.

    2013-08-11 19:32:38

  • ironman

    The weather report said that it will be rain untill this Sunday.

    2014-07-30 17:04:58

  • annah2

    The weather report said it will be rain untill this sunday.

    2015-01-31 13:03:37

  • kjy880103

    The weather report said it will be rain untill this sunda

    2017-03-09 12:18:41

  • 0413sun

    The weather forecast predicts rain by this Sunday

    2021-03-03 11:35:04

  • mjh1224

    According to the weather forecast it is going to be rainy until this Sunday.

    2021-03-06 23:00:39

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:36:47

4 good242   11 2013-07-01 683 답변하기
  • somido

    The best way is not to sweat. is랑 not이랑 붙여서 isn't라고 읽으면 아니함.

    2013-07-03 18:28:35

  • angelcindy

    The best way is not sweating.

    2013-07-23 11:35:18

  • mine822

    The best way is not to sweating.
    여기서, is not=isn't 가 아니므로 읽을 때 절대로 isn't 라고 하시면 안되요!

    2013-07-31 22:49:33

  • gla110

    The best is not to sweat.

    2013-08-11 19:33:07

  • sms7381

    The best way is not to sweating.

    2014-03-12 17:42:18

  • ironman

    The best way is not sweating.

    2014-07-28 13:58:04

  • annah2

    The best way is not sweating.

    2015-01-27 10:20:28

  • kjy880103

    the best way is not sweatinG

    2017-03-09 12:19:09

  • 0413sun

    The best way is not to sweat

    2021-03-02 13:18:19

  • mjh1224

    Not to sweat is the best way.

    2021-03-09 23:41:19

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:36:43

3 sizers   10 2013-07-01 666 답변하기
  • gjangsun

    I won money, 50000won, at poker with co-worker.

    2013-07-01 21:34:02

  • luke

    I won \50,000 by playing go-stop with my co-worker.

    2013-07-03 19:12:52

  • gla110

    I won 50000 won in the Korean style poker game with my coworkers.

    2013-08-11 19:34:24

  • sms7381

    I won 50000 won in the Korean style poker game with my coworkers.

    2014-03-07 16:47:46

  • ironman

    I won 50000 won in the Korean style poker game with my coworkers.

    2014-07-31 19:18:27

  • annah2

    I won \50,000 by playing go-stop with my co-worker.

    2015-01-12 12:23:09

  • annah2

    I won \50,000 by playing go-stop with my co-worker.

    2015-01-12 12:23:09

  • kjy880103

    I won \50,000 by playing go-stop with my co-worker.

    2017-03-09 12:19:24

  • mjh1224

    I made 50,000won by playing Korean style poker game with my colleagues.

    2021-03-11 23:34:14

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:36:38

2 ximenahwj   12 2013-06-26 698 답변하기
  • lkb1216

    I misunderstood the problem 이라고 하면 어떨까요? ^^

    2013-06-26 22:42:27

  • luke

    I misdeem the question 은 어떨까요? ^^ [misd

    2013-06-27 19:12:24

  • angelcindy

    I did not see question carefully.

    2013-07-23 11:36:12

  • gla110

    I misunderstood the question.

    2013-07-26 11:35:56

  • sms7381

    I misunderstood the question.

    2014-03-07 16:52:57

  • welcomerain

    sorry. i have me misunderstiood the question

    2014-06-20 20:48:14

  • ironman

    I did not see question carefully.

    2014-08-01 12:09:04

  • annah2

    I misunderstood the problem

    2015-01-12 12:22:40

  • kjy880103

    I'm sorry. I misunderstood the question

    2016-11-23 08:27:57

  • 0413sun

    I misunderstood the question.

    2021-02-16 14:17:55

  • mjh1224

    I misunderstood the problem.

    2021-03-11 23:36:16

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:36:32

1 golucy   15 2013-06-21 759 답변하기
  • lkb1216

    보통 짧게 "No, thanks"나 "(Oh) No, (I'm okay[good]) (but) thank you."라고 웃으면서, 상대방의 눈을 쳐다보면서 말하죠. :>

    2013-06-21 23:42:00

  • luke

    No, thanks but I will get your mind gratitude. ???
    걍 있는데로 밑도 끝도 없이 해봤습니다. ㅋㅋ

    2013-06-24 19:16:52

  • somido

    Thank you, but no thanks.
    미드에선 이렇게 나옴

    2013-06-26 18:26:59

  • gjangsun

    Thank you, but no thanks가 상황상 가장 좋은데 좀더 표현한다면
    I appreciate your offer, but I can accept it in spirit only.

    2013-07-01 21:44:37

  • angelcindy

    I'm so sorry, but I'll get your mind only..라고 하면 어떨까요?? 그냥 한글을 풀어 썼습니다^^

    2013-07-23 19:20:48

  • gla110

    I apprecatied your concern, but it's okay.

    2013-07-26 11:35:25

  • sms7381

    Thank you, but no thanks 어떨까요?

    2014-03-05 17:03:11

  • welcomerain

    no thank you.

    2014-05-14 20:42:46

  • annah2

    Thank you, but no thanks.

    2015-01-12 12:22:02

  • suji326

    Sorry, but I 'm willing to try thanks.

    2015-03-12 17:37:48

  • huni2007

    간단하게 No thanks 라고 하면 됩니다.

    2020-05-20 09:10:56

  • huni2007

    I'm sorry but it's okay.

    2020-05-23 23:30:16

  • mjh1224

    Thank you, but no thank you. (영국식 표현_ 영국에서는 No thank you 라고 먼저 말할경우 상대방이 언짢아한다고 들었습니다. )

    2021-01-22 23:35:20

  • 0413sun

    I'm sorry, but I'll just take it with thanks.

    2021-03-02 13:19:30

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:36:18