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본 게시판은 일반 회원님들이 한글을 영어로 바꾸어 주는 커뮤니티 공간입니다.
너무 긴 한글문장을 올리시면 회원님들이 잔뜩 겁(?)을 먹을 수 있겠죠 ^^. 300byte 이내의 길이로 올려보세요.

번호 작성자   답변 등록일 조회 답변달기
26 dslim8636   7 2013-08-01 682 답변하기
  • sonsangil

    What should I do to teach classes effectively?
    How should I try to teach classes effectively?

    2013-08-01 10:50:12

  • gla110

    What should I do to improve my classes.

    2013-08-02 09:10:07

  • angelcindy

    How should I try to do my class effectively?

    2013-08-02 14:28:51

  • sms7381

    What should I do to improve my classes

    2014-03-16 15:39:19

  • ironman

    What should I do to improve my classes

    2014-08-04 16:37:04

  • 0413sun

    What efforts should I make to proceed with the class effectively?

    2021-03-07 15:22:16

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:40:28

25 mine822   10 2013-07-31 623 답변하기
  • gla110

    Sometimes friendship can be transformed into love, but love cannot.

    2013-07-31 23:35:52

  • angelcindy

    Sometimes friendship can change into love, but love can never change into friendship.

    2013-08-02 14:27:13

  • kevin0328

    Sometimes friednship can change into love, but love can never change into friendship.

    2013-08-09 17:29:19

  • jessica777

    Sometimes friendship can change to love, but love never change to friendship.

    2013-08-23 15:47:21

  • luke

    Sometimes friendship can change to love, but love never change to friendship.

    2013-10-15 18:53:17

  • sms7381

    Sometimes friednship can change into love, but love can never change into friendship.

    2014-03-12 17:44:32

  • riverlike

    Sometimes friednship can change into love, but love can never change into friendship.

    2014-05-15 18:49:59

  • 0413sun

    The sound of friendship can change from time to time, but love cannot change.

    2021-03-07 15:23:28

  • mjh1224

    It is sometimes possible that friendship can turn into love, but love can never turn into friendship.

    2021-03-16 22:26:07

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:40:21

24 mine822   4 2013-07-31 579 답변하기
  • gla110

    I am more vulnerable to cold rather than to hot weather, so I like autume.

    2013-07-31 23:36:50

  • angelcindy

    I an more vulnerable to cold more than hot weather, so fall is my favorite season.

    2013-08-02 14:30:44

  • mine822

    항상 좋은 답변 감사드립니다~ 김신원님, 구나현님^^ 좋은 일이 있기를 바래요^^

    2013-08-30 22:29:45

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:39:54

23 ahns007   15 2013-07-31 699 답변하기
  • sonsangil

    From the above example.

    2013-07-31 17:37:00

  • gla110

    According to above-mentioned cases

    2013-07-31 23:37:16

  • angelcindy

    According to above cases

    2013-08-02 15:46:04

  • mine822

    Through these practices(잘은 모르겠지만....틀릴지도 몰라요)

    2013-08-07 17:52:58

  • luke

    Through the example. 가장 간단하죠 ^^
    (난 3단어다 하하)

    2013-08-07 18:26:29

  • kevin0328

    From the aboce example.

    2013-08-09 17:29:53

  • eqoyy

    According to these specific examples, ~~

    2014-01-18 00:47:48

  • lee7381

    According to above cases.

    2014-02-13 07:30:14

  • annah2

    Through the example.

    2015-01-26 09:35:39

  • sms7381

    According to above cases.

    2014-03-05 16:55:40

  • riverlike

    According to above cases.

    2014-05-15 19:05:30

  • ironman

    According to above cases

    2014-07-30 17:04:02

  • 0413sun

    These are the examples above

    2021-03-07 15:21:12

  • mjh1224

    From the above example

    2021-03-07 23:35:04

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:38:55

22 sizers   4 2013-07-30 625 답변하기
  • angelcindy

    In Korea, usually men pay expense of dating. So, there are many women meeting men to enjoy for free. She is not pretty, but she is frugal, and she is very good at taking care of children, so I got interested to her. 맞는지는 모르겠네요^^

    2013-07-30 16:55:16

  • gla110

    In Korea, men usually pay for dating. Due to that, there are many women who date men to have free pleasures. I did not like her apperance so much but came to like her anyway because she was so economicla and cared well for children.

    2013-07-30 23:37:36

  • mjh1224

    Men usually pay for dating, in Korea. So there are many women that meet guys to enjoy for free. Even though, I didn't like her appearance very much, I got into her because she was frugal and took good care of children.

    2021-03-07 23:38:34

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:38:49

21 sizers   5 2013-07-29 625 답변하기
  • sonsangil

    It is brown stomach muscles(=abs) that is all men's romance.
    So, to lose weight, I have tofu and vegetables instead of rice at dinner.

    2013-07-30 09:57:52

  • angelcindy

    Chocolate abs are all men's romance. To lose weight, I eat bean curd and vegetables instead of rice in dinner.

    2013-07-30 16:59:26

  • gla110

    Chocolate abs is a fantasy for men. I ate soy curds and vegetables instead of rice to reduce my waist.

    2013-07-30 23:45:01

  • sms7381

    Chocolate abs is a fantasy for men. I ate soy curds and vegetables instead of rice to reduce my waist.

    2014-03-12 17:42:44

  • mjh1224

    Chocolate abs are a bro's dream. For this reason, I eat tofu and vegetables instead of rice for dinner to lose belly fat.

    2021-03-07 23:36:38

20 mumu77   7 2013-07-29 562 답변하기
  • gjangsun

    I choose this course because I want to study from the beginning level.

    2013-07-30 04:33:50

  • angelcindy

    I choosed this book to build from basic. 진짜 맞는지는 모르겠어요ㅠㅠ

    2013-07-30 17:03:00

  • gla110

    I chose this book because I want to build a storng basic ground.

    2013-07-30 23:46:03

  • sms7381

    I chose this book because I want to build a storng basic ground

    2014-03-09 16:00:42

  • mjh1224

    I decided to study this book, because I want to build my ability from the basics.

    2021-03-07 23:40:16

  • 0413sun

    I chose this book because I wanted to build it from the basics.

    2021-03-10 15:40:08

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:38:41

19 mumu77   6 2013-07-29 681 답변하기
  • sonsangil

    I chose this book to lay the foundation n a calm and orderly way.

    2013-07-30 09:45:54

  • gla110

    I chose this book because I want to build a storng basic ground.

    2013-08-08 07:09:24

  • kevin0328

    I chose this book because I want to build from the basic step by step.
    맞을지 모르겠네요^^ 틀릴지도 몰라요ㅠㅠ

    2013-08-09 17:28:02

  • sms7381

    I chose this book because I want to build a storng basic ground.

    2014-03-09 15:59:28

  • 0413sun

    I chose this book because I wanted to stack the basics step by step.

    2021-03-07 15:19:49

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:38:33

18 davidchoi   5 2013-07-27 624 답변하기
  • gla110

    The usual question human have is how to improve the health of body and mind.

    2013-07-29 08:27:31

  • sonsangil

    One of the questions that improve our quality of life and make us live a meaningful life is to look after our body and mind.

    2013-07-29 11:05:17

  • freekid0314

    One of the questions to improve our quility of life and live more meaningful life is how to keep our healthy and cultivate our mind.

    2016-10-08 10:34:28

  • mjh1224

    One of the questions to improve our quility of life and more meaningful life is how to keep our health and our mind.

    2021-02-10 00:08:26

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:38:27

17 zeromin78   4 2013-07-24 599 답변하기
  • sonsangil

    We inform you that we have received a complaint about your product and want you to examine the cause and take corrective measures to settle this matter as soon as possible.

    Complaint : Sediment deposits were found in your product(See attached pictures).

    Those will be delivered to you after our sampling.

    2013-07-24 11:19:05

  • gunhy1443

    We inform you that we have received he a complaint regarding your product and want you to examine the cause and take a measure as soon as possible.

    Complaint : Sediment deposits were found in your product

    Those will be delivered to you after our sampling.

    2013-07-25 10:54:11

  • gla110

    We got a complaint on your products.

    You should immediately respond to this, find causes, and rectify them.

    Complaint: Sediments deposits found in the delivered product

    Faulted products are supposed to be delivered to your company.

    2013-07-30 23:48:57

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:38:23

16 sizers   9 2013-07-22 648 답변하기
  • sonsangil

    I didn't like her looks, so I treated her coldly. Then, she started getting interested in me.

    2013-07-22 18:06:30

  • angelcindy

    I didn't like her face, so I treated coldly. Then, she wtarted getting interested in me

    2013-07-23 11:32:13

  • gla110

    I was cold to her because I do not like her apperance. Then, she was more attracted to me

    2013-07-29 08:29:00

  • mine822

    I didn't like her appearance, so I treated coldly. Then, she started getting interested to me.

    일거에요.. 아마도....

    2013-08-08 17:07:49

  • ironman

    I didn't like her looks, so I treated her coldly. Then, she started getting interested in me.

    2014-08-04 16:36:29

  • merry1224

    I didn't like her appearance. So i treated her coldly. But bacause of that, she begain to like me.

    2014-12-22 21:59:06

  • yjee827

    I didn't like her appearance. So, I gave her the cold shoulder. But she started getting more interested in me,

    2015-03-01 17:37:40

  • mjh1224

    I treated her coldly because her appearance is not my cup of tea. Ever since then, she started to pay attention to me.

    2021-03-09 23:46:37

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:37:27

15 mumu77   7 2013-07-19 643 답변하기
  • angelcindy

    I'll never get in to the water, because it's annoying to shower after getting in the water.

    2013-07-21 15:24:43

  • gunhy1443

    I'll never get in to the water, because it's annoying to shower after getting in the water.

    2013-07-25 15:23:07

  • gla110

    I do not want to get in water because I do hate to take a shower after getting out of water.

    2013-07-29 08:30:47

  • mine822

    I don't want to get in water because it's troublesome to take a shouwer after getting out of water.

    일거에요. 아마도.

    2013-08-17 16:03:09

  • ironman

    I'll never get in to the water, because it's annoying to shower after getting in the water.

    2014-08-01 12:07:18

  • mjh1224

    I won't get in the water because taking a shower is bothersome after getting out of the water.

    2021-03-15 23:23:45

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:37:30

14 sizers   5 2013-07-19 619 답변하기
  • sonsangil

    Do you have any vocabulary material for spoken English? If so, could you recommend it for me?

    2013-07-22 18:10:27

  • angelcindy

    Do you have any vocabulray material for engglish? If there are good thing, can you recommend it for me, please?

    2013-07-23 11:33:42

  • gla110

    Is there a material for studying vocabulary for colloquial English. Do you have something to recommend, if any?

    2013-07-29 08:34:09

  • mjh1224

    Are there some vocabulary materials for spoken English? If so, would you recommend a good one for me?

    2021-03-15 23:27:06

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:37:35

13 sizers   11 2013-07-19 641 답변하기
  • mumu77

    She has pretty legs but she is ugly

    2013-07-19 13:35:09

  • angelcindy

    Her leg is beautiful, but her face is ugly.

    2013-07-21 15:26:05

  • dltmffjqm204

    Her leg is beautiful, but her face is ugly.

    2013-07-26 21:09:11

  • gla110

    Her leg is cool, but face is disgusting.

    2013-07-30 23:49:46

  • mine822

    Her leg is wonderful, but her face is ugly.

    2013-08-07 22:57:43

  • jessica777

    Her leg is pretty but her face is ugly.

    2013-08-23 15:49:50

  • wendy

    She has pretty leg, but her face is very ugly.

    2014-12-02 21:16:21

  • merry1224

    She has beautiful legs. But she is ugly.

    2014-12-11 20:05:25

  • suji326

    She has pretty legs but ugly.

    2015-03-25 17:48:23

  • mjh1224

    Even though her legs are beautiful, her face is disgusting.

    2021-03-09 23:47:26

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:37:55

12 sheisaram   2 2013-07-19 610 답변하기
  • sonsangil

    Can it be a problem to display '-40dBm' when your module is not connected to the RX cable
    If not, we want you to modify it because displaying '-40dBm' is a recent trend among other vendors.

    2013-07-24 11:43:08

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:37:21

11 ps1011   8 2013-07-18 610 답변하기
  • angelcindy

    Is there anyone who doesn't like going to watch movie?

    2013-07-21 15:28:38

  • gla110

    There can be the person who hate going to watch movies?

    2013-07-31 23:38:15

  • mine822

    Is there anyone who doesn't like going to watch movie?

    2013-08-08 17:09:43

  • welcomerain

    is there anyone who doesn't like to go movie?

    2014-05-14 20:41:54

  • ironman

    Is there anyone who doesn't like going to watch movie?

    2014-07-30 17:03:24

  • nixqueen

    Is there anyone who doesn't like to watch movies? 입니다^^

    2022-04-25 22:04:20

  • mjh1224

    Is there anyone that doesn't like to go to the movies?

    2021-03-15 23:28:05

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:37:15

10 prazahj   11 2013-07-15 641 답변하기
  • I went to a maths hagwon and then to a teaguando class today.

    2013-07-16 14:16:44

  • angelcindy

    I went to mathmetic academi and then went to teguando class today. 맞을지는 모르겠네요^^

    2013-07-16 21:01:49

  • luke

    Today, I went math academi and then ('I') had teawondo class.

    2013-07-17 18:49:14

  • gunhy1443

    Today, I went to a mate class and then a taewondo class.

    2013-07-25 10:27:13

  • prazahj

    모두들 감사합니다

    2013-07-29 20:59:57

  • gla110

    After going to a field trip, I went to a traditional Korean martial art academy.

    2013-07-31 23:39:29

  • welcomerain

    today, after the math academy i went to traditional Korean marial art academy.

    2014-05-14 20:44:25

  • ironman

    Today, I went to a math academy and then a taewondo class.

    2014-08-04 16:35:41

  • suji326

    Today I went to taekwondo class after finishing math academy.

    2015-03-25 17:46:08

  • mjh1224

    I went to a taekwondo class after studying at a math class.

    2021-03-15 23:29:20

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:37:10

9 sizers   6 2013-07-11 631 답변하기
  • I haven't get a perm but my hair is naturally sturly.
    I haven't get a perm but my hair waves naturally.

    2013-07-15 15:20:44

  • gunhy1443

    I haven't got a perm but my hair is naturally curly.

    2013-07-25 15:31:14

  • gla110

    I haven't got a perm. My hair is naturally half curly.

    2013-08-02 08:00:56

  • angelcindy

    I have not got a perm. My hair is just a curly hair.

    2013-08-02 15:48:56

  • mjh1224

    I haven't got a perm. I was born with natural curly hair.

    2021-03-07 00:27:10

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:37:06

8 yjpink   12 2013-07-10 640 답변하기
  • hyupzzang

    Mom make me not to do Ca-Tok. So I can't do Ca-Tok oftenly.

    2013-07-10 23:42:58

  • sizers

    My mom makes me don't do catok. So I can't do catok often. 윗분 답변도 괜찬은데 제가 약간 문법에 맞게 추가해봤습니다. mom 일 명사라서 관사 대산 my라는 한정사 추가, make가 5형식동사라서 to do를 원형부정사인 don't로 수정, often은 그 자체가 부사이므로 oftenly->often으로.. 맞게 한지 모르겠네요.. 참고만 하세요..

    2013-07-11 09:07:05

  • sizers

    윗글 중 정정이요.. 5형식동사라서가 아니라 5형식 중 사역동사라서... 5형식동사라고 다 원형부정사를 쓰는건 아니죠.. ㅡㅡ;; 그 중에 사역동사와 지각동사만...

    2013-07-11 10:40:58

  • sizers

    My mom makes me not do catok. So I can't do catok often.
    -> 사역동사의 부정은 그냥 'not'만 붙이는 거라고 하네요.. ^^

    2013-07-11 18:36:06

  • gjangsun

    ^^ How about this?
    - I can't spend enough time to text chat on celler phone because my mother worry that I could become addicted to text chat.

    2013-07-15 21:25:55

  • gla110

    My mom do not allow me to use Cacao Talk often. So, I cannot do it often.

    2013-08-02 08:01:56

  • sungg98765

    My mom doesn't allow me use Kakao Talk, so I can't use it often.

    2014-05-20 21:43:46

  • ironman

    my mom makes me not to do Ca-Tok.Therefore, I can't do Ca-Tok often.

    2014-08-04 16:34:51

  • suji326

    My mom doesn't allow me to Kakao Talk. Because of that, I can't do Kakao Talk often.

    2015-03-25 17:47:29

  • kjy880103

    My mom doesn't allow me to Kakao Talk. Because of that, I can't do Kakao Talk often

    2017-03-09 12:18:55

  • mjh1224

    My mom doesn't let me use Kakao talk, so I can't use it often.

    2021-03-06 23:08:28

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:37:02

7 sizers   7 2013-07-09 637 답변하기
  • hyupzzang

    Do you get your pay by salary or allowance?

    2013-07-10 23:44:27

  • gla110

    Your payment is month-basis or day-basis?

    2013-08-08 07:10:42

  • ironman

    Do you get your pay by salary or allowance?

    2014-08-01 12:06:05

  • annah2

    Do you get your pay by salary or allowance?

    2015-01-31 13:04:20

  • 0413sun

    Do you get paid by salary? Or do I get paid?

    2021-03-03 11:30:44

  • mjh1224

    Do you get paid by monthly paycheck or allowance?

    2021-03-06 23:07:27

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-11-25 16:36:57