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너무 긴 한글문장을 올리시면 회원님들이 잔뜩 겁(?)을 먹을 수 있겠죠 ^^. 300byte 이내의 길이로 올려보세요.

번호 작성자   답변 등록일 조회 답변달기
246 jyk1079   3 2015-07-15 374 답변하기
  • eranos21c

    This is the change in the way Koreans vacationing from past to present.

    2015-07-16 09:23:56

  • jinny325

    This is the change in the way Koreans take a vacation from past to these days.

    2015-07-27 18:26:15

  • mjh1224

    These are the changes in how Korean have spent their holidays.

    2021-03-13 23:41:07

245 jyk1079   4 2015-07-14 376 답변하기
  • froris

    This is a variation of the device just made so far.

    2015-07-14 13:20:17

  • jyk1079

    흠;; These are changes that have happen to devices so far 이렇게 써두 되는지 궁금한데 ㅠㅠ 누가 답해주실분 ㅠㅠ

    2015-07-14 21:26:14

  • 이티폰매니저

    강사1:1 게시판에 물어보세요 ^^

    2015-07-15 18:29:27

  • mjh1224

    These are the changes in how devices have been made until now.

    2021-03-14 00:38:27

244 jyk1079   4 2015-07-13 396 답변하기
  • beily920

    People post up pictures about foods that they ate.

    2015-07-14 10:54:45

  • jinny325

    People post up pictures of foods which they ate.

    2015-07-14 18:37:37

  • plusces

    People usually post up pictures of foods that they ate

    2015-07-22 16:34:24

  • mjh1224

    People tend to post photos of food that they had.

    2021-03-29 23:07:45

243 jyk1079   2 2015-07-13 386 답변하기
  • beily920

    위에 영작 맞게하신거 같은데요??!! ^^

    2015-07-14 10:56:59

  • jyk1079

    제가 헷갈리는게 that they eat 이 아니라 that they ate 라고 쓰는게 맞나요 ?

    2015-07-14 21:27:14

242 wonmh   1 2015-07-13 397 답변하기
  • jinny325

    There's nothing I can do about it because it's a science experiment.
    가 되겠네요~ ^-^

    2015-07-13 18:30:10

241 jyk1079   5 2015-07-02 483 답변하기
  • ggortong32

    I was afraid he did not remember me.

    2015-07-03 09:43:31

  • zard27

    I was afraid that he don't remember me.

    2015-07-08 20:17:10

  • jinny325

    I was worried(or afraid) that he won't remember me. (주어가 He니까 don't가 아니라 doesn't, wasn't가 아니라 won't로 해야해요^0^)

    2015-07-09 18:35:27

  • junie36

    I'm afraid about he don't remember about me.

    2015-07-14 16:23:16

  • mippya

    I was afraid that he doesn't remember me.

    2015-11-23 23:32:35

240 wonmh   5 2015-07-01 425 답변하기
  • feelje01

    If there's something wrong, please make a correction.

    2015-07-01 18:10:35

  • sssu0523

    Please make a correction when you see something wrong.

    2015-07-01 18:11:34

  • jinny325

    If something is wrong, give a correction.

    2015-07-15 14:53:37

  • mjh1224

    If there is something wrong, it is good to correct them.

    2021-03-29 23:10:57

  • 0413sun

    Correct me if there is anything wrong.

    2021-04-06 15:03:10

239 wonmh   4 2015-06-26 409 답변하기
  • hj8928

    I looked at the ceiling I think the best is good posture.

    2015-06-26 18:12:18

  • pey7096

    I think the sleeping posture of looking at the ceiling is the best.

    2015-06-29 12:41:59

  • jinny325

    I think sleeping while looking at the ceiling is the best.

    2015-07-13 18:31:25

  • mjh1224

    As far as I am concerned, a sleeping posture like looking at the ceiling is highly recommended.

    2021-03-29 23:09:14

238 hens81   1 2015-06-24 415 답변하기
  • i2khlee

    Once you've lowering the price to as much as possible.
    And it will be sent asking the new time.
    When will this autumn be shipped when the confirmation fabric?
    By default, the sample until the confirmation shall not enter the operation.
    The part to be improved in order for the future.

    2015-06-25 11:21:08

237 hens81   2 2015-06-24 419 답변하기
  • i2khlee

    We also have a fabric air shipment also be an air shipment and garment. Which is what we all have a responsibility herd. We want some help from you. Part responsible for our company's de facto do not know what part. And is often tough situation report to the boss. I wonder why you have a sample 2000yds I should proceed.

    2015-06-25 11:19:58

  • mjh1224

    We have to ship air for fabric and air shipment for fabric. It is unreasonable for us to take full responsibility. We would like some help from your company. I don't know what part of our company is actually responsible for. And it's hard to report to the boss. I wonder why we had to proceed with 2000yds of samples.

    2021-05-16 22:06:02

236 wonmh   4 2015-06-24 472 답변하기
  • hevie

    Many korean are not enough to have patience

    2015-06-24 18:05:38

  • yenkim

    Most Korean have short patience.

    2015-06-26 16:35:29

  • jinny325

    Koreans dosen't have much patience.

    2015-07-17 22:52:45

  • mjh1224

    Most Koreans need to learn how to endure.

    2021-03-29 23:11:49

235 wonmh   4 2015-06-19 436 답변하기
  • plusces

    I should pay attention to every single one of my actions

    2015-06-22 16:38:19

  • jinny325

    I should pay attention with every single of my actions.

    2015-07-16 18:20:31

  • mjh1224

    I have to watch what I do.

    2021-03-13 23:33:50

  • 0413sun

    I will have to pay attention to each and every one of my actions.

    2021-04-07 16:24:22

234 anjeldream   1 2015-06-18 414 답변하기
  • serin58

    After shipping the equipment Procedure to learn about the equipment imported.

    2015-06-18 16:14:22

233 wjdalsco   2 2015-06-05 514 답변하기
  • jinny325

    There was a vote about the test time beteween next week and the week after that.
    Lots of students vote for next week so the test is near around these days.
    (도움이 될지는 모르겠어요;; 우선 제 생각으로는 이게 맞는 것 같아요^^)

    2015-06-15 15:53:03

  • jefuture

    There was a majority vote of the test time beteween next week and the week after next

    2015-06-10 09:46:14

232 gudxo3212   1 2015-06-02 419 답변하기
  • mhl777

    We have common things about his dance & sings and we select the Michael Jackson as the presentaion in order to show you about him. So we want to know about his life & death, sings, simbols and misunderstanding and the truth about him

    2015-06-10 09:37:08

231 gudxo3212   2 2015-06-02 407 답변하기
  • bobaekong

    Who do you think the best singer who affect music history? / Steve Wander? / Elvis Preseley? / Madonna ? 휘트니휴스턴? 비틀즈?/ I and my partner struck Michael Jackson. I think no one deny the truth.

    2015-06-10 09:26:24

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-12-02 10:27:25

230 Sooogood   8 2015-05-30 455 답변하기
  • dpwls56

    I will be ut heart

    2015-06-01 18:56:51

  • suji326

    I will be your heart

    2015-06-04 19:11:27

  • hens81

    I'll have your heart!!!

    2015-06-24 18:30:26

  • jinny325

    I will be your heart. 가 되겠네요^__^

    2015-07-09 18:36:30

  • leo0714

    I will become your heart.

    2016-09-29 17:53:38

  • 0413sun

    I'll be your heart.

    2020-10-16 16:18:11

  • mjh1224

    I will be your heart.

    2021-03-13 23:34:32

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-12-02 10:27:30

229 tlsaptlswj   2 2015-05-26 440 답변하기
  • kijung0811

    I was so proud of me when my customers felt happy for my services as I used to work at Account Department Company over 4 years or work at part time at the service center in the Australia. Im very excited about this job. And I want to find what can be a good person in this job.

    2015-05-26 18:25:09

  • mjh1224

    I came here because I wanted to do something that makes me excited. I have been working in the accounting department for more than four years, but when I worked part-time in the service sector during my school days or a working holiday in Australia, I was also proud of the customers who were happy to receive the service I provided. I want to do what I want and do well.

    2021-05-16 22:07:40

228 october00   3 2015-05-22 427 답변하기
  • ckstoal

    I want to be a trainman who always keeps what i promise . I think appointment is the meaning of esteeming others. Also, it can get someone's belief. I want to be recognized as the person never ignore about the appointment from my company or customers

    2015-05-22 14:17:48

  • ansjjjang

    I want to be a crew member who is regardful of someone's promise. To regardful of someone's promise means respect to other people or give them faith. I want to keep that mind.

    2015-05-22 17:37:06

  • mjh1224

    My dream is to be a flight attendant that keeps his(her) promise well. I think a promise means respecting other people. You can also gain trust. I'd like to think carefully about even small promises and give passengers and other colleagues the impression that they are thoroughly flight attendants.

    2021-05-16 22:11:22

227 october00   2 2015-05-21 396 답변하기
  • solsolman

    The basic duties of crew members are sales duty free items, served to customers, take care of young kids, need good communication or language skills. but most important thing is solving problems immediately for customers safe.

    2015-05-21 15:09:16

  • 이티폰매니저

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다. 1인당 1회까지 답변이 가능합니다.---

    2021-12-02 10:30:27