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Help me 영어로!

본 게시판은 일반 회원님들이 한글을 영어로 바꾸어 주는 커뮤니티 공간입니다.
너무 긴 한글문장을 올리시면 회원님들이 잔뜩 겁(?)을 먹을 수 있겠죠 ^^. 300byte 이내의 길이로 올려보세요.

번호 작성자   답변 등록일 조회 답변달기
406 skdbsdl7   5 2016-07-06 607 답변하기
  • ksm3681

    Good, Well done!
    I hope reading a book helped you a lot.
    you seem you always do your best.
    I want you to put your thoughts into action.

    2016-07-06 11:26:46

  • dmstjs1152

    You did great job. I hope reading a book help for you.
    You are always likely to do your best.
    I wish that someday, your thought be acted.

    2016-07-06 13:58:43

  • antonia0908

    Good job.
    I hope reaing helps you.
    I think you always do your best.
    Do act in the future.

    2016-07-07 00:14:03

  • rlatnals0929

    Good job (Well done)
    I hope reading a book helped you.
    I think you always doing well.
    I wish I will do action same as you.

    2016-07-07 15:50:37

  • mjh1224

    You did a good job. I hope reading a book would be helpful to you. I think you are always doing your best. I hope you can put your thoughts into practice someday.

    2021-02-23 00:08:48

405 ddalgipig   4 2016-07-05 538 답변하기
  • dmstjs1152

    I really don't care about who's appearance. I like a person who have same interestes, perspectives with me, so can converse well with me.

    위 문장을 정확하게 해석 하자면.
    난 누군가의 외모에 대해선 신경쓰지않아. 난 나와 같은 흥미, 관점을 가지고 대화를 수월하게 할 수 있는 사람이 좋아.

    2016-07-05 11:58:01

  • annah2

    i don't care about somebody's faces,i'm just interested in someone who have a same topic with me.

    2016-09-05 20:23:33

  • freekid0314

    I don't care about someone's background and I just want to find someone who is on the same wave length as me.

    2016-09-30 13:58:13

  • mjh1224

    I don't care about someone's background when I see someone and I just want someone who can understand each other.

    2021-02-24 23:56:14

404 qut3356   7 2016-06-30 544 답변하기
  • joojooy

    I want to talk more but I'm shy.

    2016-07-01 11:44:28

  • joojooy

    I want to talk much but I'm so shy.

    2016-07-01 16:16:12

  • dmstjs1152

    I want to talk with you well but I'm so shy.

    2016-07-06 14:00:58

  • antonia0908

    I hope talk a lot but I am shy.

    2016-07-07 00:16:49

  • freekid0314

    I want to talk much but It's not easy because I'm very introverted.

    2016-09-30 14:36:30

  • jul0111

    I want to talk more but I can not do that well, because I'm shy

    2016-10-07 11:48:36

  • mjh1224

    I want to talk much but It's not easy because I'm very introverted.

    2021-02-23 00:00:02

403 Warrior1998   8 2016-06-29 573 답변하기
  • mintqls0927

    What do you want to hear from me at the end of class?

    2016-06-29 17:53:19

  • leo0714

    What about the last time i want to listen to?

    2016-07-01 17:58:25

  • annah2

    what do u want to hear for the last class?

    2016-09-05 20:22:14

  • jul0111

    what do you want to here when the end of the class?

    2016-10-07 11:47:40

  • tyh14

    what do yo want to hear in last time?

    2017-07-18 21:17:39

  • huni2007

    What do you want to hear last time?

    2020-05-21 17:41:53

  • 0413sun

    What do you want to hear in the last hour?

    2020-11-17 17:34:56

  • mjh1224

    What do you want to hear last time?

    2021-02-22 23:59:46

402 cjm129   8 2016-06-23 677 답변하기
  • sj0953

    how do you read 1740$?

    2016-06-23 17:48:10

  • ockdol

    1740 dollar

    2016-06-23 17:49:59

  • Codelia159

    won thousand seven hundred fourty dollar.

    2016-06-27 22:14:03

  • dmstjs1152

    won thousand seven hundred fourty dollar
    원 따우젼ㄷ 세븐 헌드뤠ㄷ

    2016-07-06 14:02:49

  • rlatnals0929

    won thousand seven hundred fourty dollars.
    sventeen fourty dollars.

    2016-07-07 15:46:11

  • leo0714

    one thousand severn hundred fourty dollars.

    2016-09-14 12:45:09

  • freekid0314

    How do I read this numbers? (one thousand seven hundred forty dollars)

    2016-10-01 14:44:27

  • mjh1224

    It's a thousand seven hundred fourty dollars.

    2021-01-04 12:14:22

401 ddbs1984   5 2016-06-14 780 답변하기
  • lhj1423

    I thought that four months would be long enough when I first arrived here, hohowwever, I'm so sad that I have to go back and say good bye to my teacher who were so nice to me.

    2016-06-14 13:42:13

  • antonia0908

    I thouht 4 months would be quite long. But it's already time to go back. I will never forget kind teachers.

    2016-07-07 00:20:34

  • suji326

    When I first arrived here, I thought 4 months were long..
    I'm don't want go back.
    I won't forget bright and kind teachers.

    2016-09-27 17:55:59

  • freekid0314

    I thought four months will be long enough when I just came here but I'm so sad it comes so fast to go back. I'll never forget you guys and thank you for being nice to me.

    2017-09-13 14:05:08

  • mjh1224

    when I first get to here, I thought that four months would be long, however, the time has to come to go back.
    I will never the teachers who were nice to me.

    2021-02-25 23:39:34

400 neom3620   5 2016-06-13 623 답변하기
  • karon12345

    PM이 머죠??
    Who should be a suitable project manager to undertake the request for this promotion? I would ask you to return it if you have any comment. thank you.

    2016-06-13 15:27:37

  • neom3620

    PM은 Project Manager로서 프로젝트관리자입니다.

    2016-06-13 15:39:03

  • freekid0314

    Who will take charge of this promostion as a project manager? If you have an idea for that, please give me your opinion, thank you.

    2017-09-08 09:50:27

  • mjh1224

    Who would be good for a project manager to undertake the request of this promotion? Please let me know if you have any opinions. Thank you.

    2021-02-25 23:42:07

  • mjh1224

    Please let me know your opinion about a proper manager for the position.

    2021-07-19 23:11:31

399 cjm129   2 2016-06-09 634 답변하기
  • kjsun824

    My boss wants a good deal at a decent price with your company. I'm wondering how much this machinery you can sell for. It takes a month to deliver to you.

    2016-06-13 11:05:24

  • mjh1224

    My boss wants to make a good deal with your company. I wonder how much this machine can be sold to your company. It takes a month for 6 machines to be delivered at once, in any cases take same periods.

    2021-02-25 23:46:09

398 Sooogood   2 2016-06-08 620 답변하기
  • heojungkyu

    Mix 8 part flour with 2 part starch. That depends on person.

    2016-06-10 11:40:52

  • mjh1224

    Mix starch and flour in a ratio of 8 to 2. It depends on the person.

    2021-02-25 23:47:10

397 kjc812   7 2016-05-26 824 답변하기
  • ymo420

    i'm leaving now

    2016-05-26 20:18:50

  • smile193069

    I am leaving now입니다:)
    윤미옥 님과 같은 내용인 것 같네요!

    2016-05-30 18:46:11

  • heixa

    다 틀린 내용이네요:)
    I am leaving now가 맞네요:3

    2016-05-31 16:02:16

  • dmstjs1152

    1번은 정확히 하자면 I start to go now 겠지요.
    어쨌든 I'm leaving now가 맞지요

    2016-07-06 14:04:40

  • rlatnals0929

    영어 회화에서 보편적으로 쓰이는 표현은
    "I am leaving now"

    2016-07-07 15:51:56

  • huni2007

    I am leaving now

    2020-05-18 09:01:25

  • mjh1224

    I'm leaving now. ( The others are not correct.)

    2021-02-25 23:48:46

396 gf1004   6 2016-05-17 785 답변하기
  • parksb94612

    I've been working here for 3 years now. I had a similar duty at the previous company.
    I was driving and now I'm taking a break at the motorway rest stops.

    2016-05-18 11:34:30

  • willi04

    Cany you remember?

    2016-05-19 20:32:17

  • jibset

    I have been working at my current company since 3 years ago and had been responsible with what I am doing now. I think that we have been met each other before, do you?

    2016-05-20 01:08:01

  • ymo420

    I've been working at this company for three years. I had the work like this before.
    I'm taking a rest at service area while I drive.
    I have met you before. do you remember?

    2016-05-21 18:56:01

  • smile193069

    I've been working at this company for three years. I did a similar work like this before.
    I was driving and now I am resting at a highway service center.
    I think I met you before. Do you remember me?

    2016-05-24 21:02:36

  • mjh1224

    I have been working here for 3 years. I deal with a similar task at the previous company.
    I'm taking a break at a service area while driving.
    I think I've ever met you before, have you?

    2021-02-28 23:45:06

395 leo0714   7 2016-05-17 702 답변하기
  • ng210

    A cold wave started.

    2016-05-18 11:08:08

  • willi04

    The cooling-serve started.

    2016-05-19 20:29:18

  • willi04

    cold started?!

    2016-05-19 20:29:29

  • ymo420

    It is starting to get cold.

    2016-05-21 19:19:29

  • smile193069

    It started to get cold.

    2016-05-24 21:03:01

  • ockdol

    It's starting to get cold

    2016-06-07 19:51:28

  • 0413sun

    The cold wave is beginning

    2020-11-18 08:53:02

394 qut3356   9 2016-05-12 671 답변하기
  • link1561

    I gave them a massage.

    2016-05-13 16:54:49

  • ymo420

    I gave a massage to them.

    2016-05-21 19:20:47

  • ockdol

    I gave them a massage.

    2016-06-07 19:50:35

  • smile193069

    I gave them a massage.

    2016-05-24 21:03:25

  • Pig710710

    I gave a masssage to them.

    2016-06-15 16:09:48

  • rlatnals0929

    I gave them a message.

    2016-07-07 15:52:29

  • syss07

    I gave them a massage service

    2019-04-30 02:52:57

  • 0413sun

    I gave them a massage.

    2020-10-16 16:10:45

  • mjh1224

    I gave a message to them.

    2021-02-26 23:56:07

393 kmj4321   2 2016-05-03 649 답변하기
  • link0618

    비가 많이 내리고있습니다. 퇴근길 조심히 들어가세요.

    2016-05-03 15:40:22

  • willi04

    It's raining a lot. So be careful out of working.
    문법 교정인가요?

    2016-05-19 20:30:45

392 chulwoo1004   11 2016-04-18 794 답변하기
  • tisve

    It's raining a lot. Please be careful on your way home.

    2016-04-19 10:08:15

  • ryantchun

    Heavy rain outside. Be careful on your way home.

    2016-04-25 15:34:28

  • smile193069

    It is raining a lot. Be careful on your way home!

    2016-05-02 15:58:54

  • kmj4321

    it's raining a lot be careful off work

    2016-05-03 12:52:02

  • leo0714

    It rains a lot. I hope you are work carefully

    2016-05-17 21:38:45

  • max0731

    It rains a lot. I hope you are work carefully

    2016-05-17 21:51:35

  • cjm129

    it rains a lot plsase be careful on your way home

    2016-06-09 11:19:21

  • rlatnals0929

    Havy raining outside. Be careful going to home.

    2016-07-07 15:53:55

  • freekid0314

    It's rainning heavily now, please be careful on your way home.

    2017-09-08 09:52:22

  • huni2007

    It is raining a lot. Please be careful on your way home.

    2020-05-18 09:01:51

  • mjh1224

    It's raining a lot. Please be careful on your way back home.

    2021-02-26 23:57:09

391 tina3010   2 2016-04-06 654 답변하기
  • jake0906

    Watches The maid's, some thing to see the shapes of not satisfying any one of us everywhere.

    2016-04-07 09:21:39

  • jake0906

    Through the maid's story,

    2016-04-07 09:35:18

390 tina3010   2 2016-04-06 479 답변하기
  • jake0906

    Five pounds keongeulteun afternoon after the maid and a wonder to go for a walk into the garden I could hear these.The maid has not satisfied with his work and have complained endlessly.

    2016-04-07 09:22:55

  • mjh1224

    The maid just muttered to herself and it was really made. After giving 5 pound to the maid, Lord Congleton went out to the garden for a walk in the afternoon and heard this sound. "Oh, I'd say ten pounds if I knew this would happen. What a waste! The maid was unhappy with her work and complained continously.

    2021-06-06 16:45:49

389 tina3010   2 2016-04-06 464 답변하기
  • jake0906

    Then the maid is surprised and "of course, sir, that's true."

    2016-04-07 09:24:11

  • mjh1224

    After hearing this, Lord Congleton came to the maid and asked if she really wanted to do that. Then the maid was surprised and said, "Sure, master. Indeed." So Lord Congleton patted the working maid on the back and encouraged her, "I'll give you five pounds, so don't complain and work hard from now on."

    2021-06-06 16:47:21

388 tina3010   1 2016-04-06 490 답변하기
  • jake0906

    There is a rich and famous Christian, named 컬글튼 in England. One day, 컨글튼 was resting at home and he overheard that his maid muttering with a sigh while she's doing the dishes.

    2016-04-07 09:31:18

387 ywkikiki   3 2016-04-05 513 답변하기
  • wkdtn0426

    How did you find teaching him the longest student?

    2016-04-06 11:16:24

  • hyun0506

    How did you find teaching him the longest student?

    2016-04-06 21:28:59

  • mjh1224

    How long have you been teaching the same student?

    2021-02-27 00:03:21